About course

In this course, you will learn from Jason Martinkus about Shame, how your brain keeps you in an addiction cycle, and, most importantly, how intimacy is the antidote. 

It's essential to go through this content with other men, so get together with a couple of other men and watch a lesson per week as a group. 


Integrity Course

Integrity Course

This six part online course will cover the life cycle of sexual brokenness and how to heal in order to better your life.
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  • 0 of 6 lessons completed
  • 1 hour and 29 minutes left
Behind The Teaching

Behind The Teaching

Jason and Jim have a behind the scenes conversation about each teaching and how it applies to their lives. This is meant to be watch in partnership with the Online Course.
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  • 0 of 7 lessons completed
  • 1 hour and 3 minutes left

Men's Integrity - Online Course

2 hours and 32 minutes